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   Country : Argentina Capital : BUENOS AIRES Currency : Argentine Peso

Tourist Visa
1 Form
 Two color photos 4x4 CM, with 3/4th profileshowing the right side of the face, against  a light blue background, as shown in the example above.
 Covering letter specifying, dates of travel, whol will bear the cost of the trip, reason of  travel. accomodation clause etc.
 Confirm Return Air ticket

 Note: Applicants have to come personally for an interview.

Business Visa

Business Visa requirement without invitation: 

In case the applicant wishes to visit Argentina without any previous letter of invitation from an Argentine company, you will need to present the following.

1 Form
 Two color photos 4x4 CM, with 3/4th profileshowing the right side of the face,  against a light blue background, as shown in the example above.
 Covering letter on the Company's letterhead, signed by a higher executive of the  company and addressed to the "Deputy Consul General of Argentina, Mumbai"  explaining the motive for sending the said businessman/executive to Argentina, 2  photocopies and with a brief un-official translation of the same in Spanish. 
 Chamber of commerce letter
 Indian company’s profile on the letterhead and a brief un-official translation of the  same in Spanish. 
 Confirm Return Air ticket

 Note: Applicants could be asked for additional documents or may be called for an  interview

 Business Visa requirement with invitation:

I n the event that the applicant is going to Argentina on the invitation of an Argentine  company , that company will first need to start proceedings in Buenos Aires at the  office of the Direccion Nacional de Migraciones (situated at : DNM Av. Antartida  Argentina 1355 C 1104ACA Buenos Aires), which will issue a disposition letter.  Once you receive that letter, you will need to submit the following.

 1 Form
 Two color photos 4x4 CM, with 3/4th profileshowing the right side of the face,  against a light blue background, as shown in the example above.
 Covering letter on the Company's letterhead, signed by a higher executive of the  company and addressed to the "Deputy Consul General of Argentina, Mumbai"  explaining the motive for sending the said businessman/executive to Argentina, 2  photocopies and with a brief un-official translation of the same in Spanish. 
 Chamber of commerce letter
 Indian company’s profile on the letterhead and a brief un-official translation of the  same in Spanish. 
 Confirm Return Air ticket

 Note: Applicants could be asked for additional documents or may be called for an  interview

Special Notes
Only nationalized or foreign bank drafts are accepted.

 MON – FRI: 1000 HRS TILL 1300 HRS



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